We welcome you to the Route of the 5 Senses.
Along this sensory route you will find different landmarks related to sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell. In this case, we suggest you enjoy your sense of taste.
Our main objective is that you can savor the essence of Hermigua. In different parts of our municipality, very important traditional recipes are prepared within Canarian gastronomy, such as potaje de berros, an exquisite aquatic plant (Nasturtium officinale). Also noteworthy is the almogrote, a kind of spread made from cured goat cheese, garlic, olive oil, tomato and chilli.
Restaurante Las Chácaras
Address: C/ El Cabo nº2
Phone: 922 88 103 9
Web: www.laschacaras.com
Restaurante El Faro
Address: Carretera Playa, 15
Phone: 648 88 96 59
Restaurante Iraxte
Address: Carretera General 161
Phone: 922 88 07 40
Restaurante El Silbo
Tasca Telémaco
Address: Plaza de la Encarnación 2
Phone: 922 88 08 12.
E-mail: tascatelemaco@gmail.com
Bar Don Juan
Address: Callejón Ordáiz 153
Phone: 922 88 09 83
Bar Pedro
Address: Carretera General 156
Phone: 922 88 69 91
Bar Piloto
Address: Carretera La Playa 16
Phone: 922 88 00 90
Bar Submarino
Address: Carretera General s/n
Phone: 922 88 01 28
Cafetería el Surtidor
Address: Carretera General s/n
Phone: 922 88 08 52
Gastro Tasca Estadio
Address: Carretera General 129
Phone: 922 88 02 24
Molino de Gofio Gomero
Address: Calle La Cerca, S/N
Phone: 626 90 80 55